Month: September 2014

A Sample from my Reading Journal

Koalas are really cool and interesting.  Well, I learned that they are not endangered.  The problem is their habitat of bamboo is being cut.  They can climb trees and stay there.  They barely go to the ground.  They jump from tree to tree.

My Summertime

(With thanks to Bobbi Katz for her wonderful poem, ‘What Shall I Pack in the Box Marked “Summer”?’)


Splash, splash.

Here I go in the summer breeze.

I hear the splash of the cannonball.

The creamy ice cream

Makes me want to go to the ocean blue.

I do backflips, frontflips,

Daring dives.

Twist, turn of the cool pool.

Switching my blanket to electricity

To warm my bed,

I go to put my summer memories in my box.

Tunbridge Fair

We had a blast at Tunbridge Fair!  I saw the pig races.  I saw magic.  It was awesome.  Magic is a talent people have.  To do magic acts is so cool.  I got to get cotton candy.  We got to see a horse race, with the horses trot, trot, trotting around the track.  My favorite was the pig races.  Clunk, clunk, clunk.  The pigs ran around the track.  Have you seen a pig race for food?  The Asian potbelly pigs were really cool.   They moved so slowly.  They live in rain forests.  The pigs are a big lump of fat and meat.  We had so much fun visiting the Tunbridge Fair.

faith-tunbridge faith-tunbridge2

Camp Good News

Deborah was the cabin I was in.  I had a Korean camper in my cabin.  Her name is YunHye.  My favorite activity at camp this year was Bible class.


Olaf’s Life

It’s okay to be crazy.

It’s okay to like to jump.

It’s okay to scooter in the garage.

It’s okay to have very long hair.

It’s okay to wear your hair in a braid.

It’s okay to swim with your hair out.

It’s okay to go underwater.